Thursday, September 29, 2011

One-month check-up

Caedon is one-month old!  I can't believe he's already getting so big.  We had his one-month well baby visit this morning and the doctor said he looks great.  She actually said, "Keep doing whatever you're doing because he looks absolutely perfect."  :)  He now weighs 9 lb, 15.5 oz and is 22 1/4 inches long.  And she said he's VERY strong.  Caedon hasn't learned too much new stuff this month but he is definitely growing too fast!  He's started smiling a little bit.  He LOVES to lay on the couch or in our arms and stare at the family pictures on our walls.  He sleeps in his own bed, in his own room at night.  Last night he even let us sleep for 4.5 hours at one time!  Mommy was thrilled!  He's still very much in the eat, awake, sleep phase but during the day he wants to sleep in our arms.  It's sweet but can get a bit frustrating when I have two other kiddos to take care of, too! 

The doctor also mentioned today that at his next check-up he'll be getting shots and then she said, "And we don't recommend giving them tylenol before the shots anymore."  I mentioned that it's funny how many things are different now from when I had my first two.  Like now they tell you not to use alcohol around the umbilical cord stump to dry it out, just leave it alone.  She said, "Yeah, it just shows that it's all just advice and you're not going to mess them up no matter what you choose to do."  LOVE IT!  I love that a doctor admitted that it's perfectly okay to take what they tell you, listen to it and then do with it what you want.  I've always done this anyway because I figure I know my kids about a million times better than a doctor who only sees them for about 10 minutes every month or more but it's lovely to hear it come from a doctor's mouth.  :D

Okay - PICTURE time!

We got home and he was hot and sweaty from being in his carseat so I stripped him down before his nap.  And he slept really good...maybe he's just hot during the day?  Anyway, he looks super cute.  :)

Kyler was trying to take a picture of the whole family.  I like it.  :)

Look at that sweet little smile on Caedon's face as he gazes at his big brother!
Sister loves Caedon!

Three little munchkins ready for bed!
Sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed.  Sometimes he wakes up way too early in the morning and at that point it's just easier to bring him to bed with me and see if he'll sleep a bit longer!
They're all way too cute.

Picture taking fun :)
My sweet babies

I LOVE Caedon's face in this picture - it's like he's thinking, "WHAT have you people gotten me into?"

They all did a great job getting their pictures made!
My Mr. Man.
He's adorable.

Love this picture of me and my kiddos!

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