Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fun stuff

Since we moved into our house here we've used an antenna to get local channels. But pretty much the only thing we could get in without alot of static and alot of work with the antenna was ABC and PBS. Which was really okay because as long as I can watch General Hospital (on ABC) I'm a happy camper. But since the digital transition I haven't been able to get my antenna to pick up ABC. I can get the other channels that I could never get in good before but I can't get the one that came in best. Weird. Anyway, I found out that Suddenlink has a limited cable package for $10/month that will give me all the basic channels with no static. Tomorrow we'll have ABC back! YEA! :)

My father-in-law ordered us a new computer cause our laptop is super super super slow. I'm really excited. :)

We took the kids to the Dallas Zoo on Saturday and my parents came with us. We had alot of fun until it got way too hot to be outside. Ugh. Pictures:

Grammy with the kiddos and elephant fountain:

Kyler really liked watching the penguins swimming:

Daddy and his kiddos:

Mommy and the kiddos. I like our shirt colors all together. :)

Daddy was being silly and posing with Melissa like the statue of the gorilla and baby:

Melissa with Grammy and Pawpaw looking at a picture that Pawpaw took:

Melissa looking at the flamingos:

Kyler really likes the hotel here in town where my in-laws stay when they come because it has a water wall. As a matter of fact, he calls the hotel the-wall-of-water-hotel so he was quite pleased to see a water wall at the zoo. :)

Daddy and Melissa on the baby elephant statue:

Kyler's FOUR

I can't believe he's been four for over a week now. I kept meaning to update this but I've been super busy!

A few of Kyler's 4 year pictures - he did amazing for this session. We got great pictures!

A couple shots from his birthday party - more on Facebook, of course.
Kyler loved his cake - and loved even more that the Lightning and Mater on his cake were toys he could take home and play with (as if he needed more - he already had like 5 Lightnings and 3 Maters. :))

Kyler with his cousin, Heath

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My funny kids

Yesterday morning Melissa was hanging out with us in bed after she woke up and she started a conversation with me about gender.
Her: Daddy and Kyler are boys.
Me: That's right. What about Mommy and Melissa. Are we doggies?
Her: No, we're girls!Me: Oh! What about Grammy and Aunt Kate. Are they kitties?
Her: No, girls!
Me: OH! Well, what about Pawpaw, Uncle Chris and Uncle Zach? Are they elephants?
Her: No, they're a hippo!

I just cracked up laughing. She's hilarious. :)

Yesterday evening Kyler was playing with all his new birthday toys and I guess Melissa was driving him crazy trying to play with them, too. But my little one is learning diplomacy, apparently. He turned very nicely to Melissa and said, "Melissa, you can sit in my new Cars chair, if you want to." Success! She thought that was a grand idea and it got her away from his new train track (for about 5 seconds). Later she was bugging him again so he said, "Melissa, you can play with my big Thomas train. It's in my room." HA! And then last night while Brian was putting them to bed while I was at the grocery store Kyler gave Melissa a big hug and said, "Thank you for playing with my train track with me today!" Such a sweet, SMART boy. :)

Pictures from his party coming ASAP. I can't believe I have a 4 year old!