Sunday, August 7, 2011

Random Sunday morning wanderings

For some reason I've been waking up at 6 am every morning and not being able to go back to sleep.  It's annoying.  And it makes for a very long day with the kids.  I usually try to doze on the couch in the afternoon while they watch a movie.  Just FYI, it's not a good idea to try that when they're watching something like Dora or Diego that asks for frequent audience participation.  It's hard to nap when you keep having Spanish words yelled from 5 feet away.

I'm ready to start being able to sleep on my back again.  And my hips have started hurting at night.  I'm officially ready to just have this baby.  I know he'll probably be late just like his big brother and sister so I likely have another 3-5 weeks and I'm being patient.  But as much as I love being pregnant and am still enjoying feeling his sweet movements, I'm ready to meet him!  And his nursery is ready so he can come whenever he wants!  I'd be overjoyed to welcome him a bit early.  :)  Oh, yeah, and it's too stinking HOT so I'd be happy to be done being pregnant during this heat wave.  Seriously, the hottest summer since I've been born and I get to be pregnant for the entire thing?  Just such a joy.

Caedon is still breech, as far as I can tell.  I'm not great at telling what each little body part is but I'm pretty sure he's keeping his head up close to Mommy's heart.   I'm a little nervous about delivering him breech but my midwife is very encouraging and her student midwife is excited about it - she said she hasn't had the chance to assist with a breech delivery yet.  I'm not thrilled to be the one to give her the experience, but hey, what can I do?  I'm trying all of the tricks I've read about turning a breech baby and so far, nothing's working.

Today my brother Zachary is taking Melissa to lunch and to pick out toys at Wal-Mart.  He took Kyler last week while we were at the baby shower so I guess he felt like Melissa would be jealous.  He told her last week that he would take her soon and she's been talking about it all week long!  She's so excited to spend some time with Uncle Zach!  :)  Kyler and I are going to meet Brian at Wal-Mart and shop for school supplies.  Yippee.

Speaking of school supplies, I got a letter earlier in the summer saying that Kyler was eligible to get free school supplies because of our income.  Yesterday I went to wait in line for an hour to get the said school supplies (outside Lakepointe church, btw.  That church is so huge and they had us waiting in line outside.  Thankfully, I went early so it was only in the 80s while I was out there but they were doing it until 1 pm....).  Anyway, so when I finally get the school supplies it includes one spiral, one box of crayons, one eraser, one glue stick, a pack of construction paper and 12 pencils.  I'm not saying that I'm not grateful for what they gave us, but that's like 1/10 of the school supply list.  If I'd known what I'd actually be getting I would have been buying school supplies all summer when they went on sale...and I likely wouldn't have waited in line in the 85 degree heat at 37 weeks pregnant for those.

Me last week - 36 weeks

Caedon's nursery from the doorway

The left side of his room

Close-up of his cute little changing pad cover

His crib with his adorable bedding that I just love!
Closet full of baby things!


  1. At least waking up so early you'll be ready when school starts? We did the free school supply thing last year and to be honest, it sucked. We ended up with a handful of things, none of which were actually on our lists. :( I've been stocking up on stuff for pennies so email me a list and I'll send you a care package!

  2. I'll send you his list and if there's anything you want to donate, I'd be happy to accept! :) Some of these things are just ridiculous, I think. I know we didn't have to have so many supplies when we were in school!
