Friday, January 28, 2011


Melissa and I went to my appointment with my midwife on Wednesday morning and they were able to find the baby's heartbeat. It was strong and beautiful. And if I'm going to believe old wives' tales then I would say the baby's a girl because the heartbeat was 160. Not that I think it makes any difference. I love to disprove old wives' tales. Like the one that if you're carrying low it's a boy. Everyone told me Kyler was a boy because I was carrying so low. And he was. But then I carried Melissa even lower and she's definitely not a boy! :)

Wednesday night we were having dinner and Kyler was sitting in the chair next to me and I told him that Melissa and I heard the baby's heart beating that morning and he looked at me and said, "Wow!" and then he laid his head on my tummy to try to hear the heartbeat! It was adorable. I'll have to take him with me to an appointment so he can hear that beautiful sound.

Wednesday night (well, really early Thursday morning...) I woke up about 3:30 in the morning and then my mind just started racing and I had such a hard time getting back to sleep. But what was going through my head was this blog post (I should have just gotten up then and written it. Would have been easier to go back to sleep). Hearing my babies' heartbeats has always and will always turn my mind to abortion. I just don't get it. Maybe because my birth mom was SO young when she got pregnant with me I always think, "That could have been me." I could just not be here because I wasn't convenient and "hey, it's just a bunch of cells, anyway, not a baby" and it's the woman's body, woman's choice. Whatever. It's just a personal topic to me and part of the reason why I can never and will never vote for a political candidate who votes pro-choice. Yeah, I think taxes are important and education is important and all that other stuff. But my Bible says "Do not murder." I honestly don't think God cares all that much about my taxes. I trust that He's going to take care of me regardless of how much or how little I have to pay in taxes. I honestly don't think He cares about our education system all that much. He didn't create taxes and He didn't create schools. But He did create babies and I think He does care how I vote about their sweet little souls.

Which brings me back to "hey, it's just a bunch of cells, anyway, not a baby." If you see an accident or find someone passed out on the ground how do you tell if they're alive? How do hospital personnel know if their patients is in distress? You check the pulse? You mean a heartbeat? You mean that beautiful sound that I heard the other day from a 10 week old bunch of cells that's not a baby? Please. My baby is a living human being. It even already looks like a baby! Yes, God has quite alot of fine tuning to do in developing its body but it's already a beautiful little person. It hurts my heart to think of the number of little people who die every day.

Okay. I'm done with my sermon now. My sweet boy is home sick today so I'm gonna go play Trouble or Memory or something. Oh, yeah, and do the dishes and tons of laundry. That's such a joy. :)


  1. I love the new header on your blog: "A look into the life of our family of five." It goes right along with this post, because you already are the mom of 3 kids now. It has always bothered me so much when people say on the day the baby is born, "Now we're a family of five!!!" So, as long as the baby was in the womb, it wasn't a part of your family?! Makes no sense at all to me. I know I'm extra sensitive about this, because of Nathan, but, come on, people. If you say you're pro-life, then start including your baby in your family count the moment you know your baby is alive.

  2. This baby is definitely already a part of our family! Especially with the kids already so involved and so excited about him/her - they already say that 5 people live in our house! I love it!
